Dream Girls is a 2006 American musical film jointly produced and released by DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures. The film debuted in three special road show engagements beginning December 15, 2006, with a nationwide release on December 25, 2006 and a home video release on May 1, 2007. Dreamgirls won three awards at the 64th Golden Globe Awards ceremony in 2007, including Best Picture - Musical or Comedy, and won two Oscars at the 79th Academy Awards.
Dream Girls is based on the 1981 broadway musical. It is the story of of greed, tough hate, and romance.Three young women - Deena Jones, Effie White, and Lorrell Robinson - desire to become pop stars and get their wish when they're picked to be backup singers for the legendary James "Thunder" Early.
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It is a film that tells a classic rags-to-riches story utilising great cinematic technique and bravado.
This film is awesome all actor and actress give there best for this film.