Norbit is a comedy film directed by Brian Robbins and it's starring co-writer Eddie Murphy. Norbit (Eddie Murphy) was abandoned as a baby by being tossed from a moving car in front of the Chinese Golden Wonton Restaurant and Orphanage in Boiling Springs, Tennessee.
Norbit Albert Rice ( Eddie Murphy) is an adopted son of Mr. Wong who grew up at the Golden Wanton Restaurant and Orphanage. From there Norbit met his true soulmate, A lovely Kate ( Thandie Newton). Suddenly Kate was adopted and left Norbit. Until one day a lonely nine year old Norbit is rescued on School playground from the taunts of three bullies by Hefty Raputia.(Eddie Murphy).
Norbit is intimidated into marrying the gigantic Rasputia, and they don't live happily ever after.Norbit was compelled to work for Rasputia's three brothers: Big Black Jack, Blue and Earl, at the Latimore Construction Company. The whole town lives in fear of the three brothers and Rasputia.
Later Kate and Norbit was about to meet at the crossroads. The Latimores finds out that Kate is buying Wong's Orphanage. Kate invites Norbit to the waterpark with orphans, where Rasputia makes a spectacle of herself by hurtling doen a waterslides.
find out if there's going to be a happy ending, what will happen to Kate and Norbit. will they'll be together in the end or will remain as friends.
wow!!! another comedy movie..
i like eddie murphy..thanx for the nice post..